Friday, December 19, 2008

Almost Christmas Time =)

We had another ultra sound done to check the baby's weight and see how she is growing. She is at 3 lbs. 7 ozs. now which is pretty much on target..she is only about 2 days behind on what she should be. And I keep referring to the baby as "she" is b/c "she" doesn't have a name yet... They could tell that she had hair already and isn't very long...but neither was Aubrey....or myself still =) Everything is looking good. We are at 31 weeks now.
This pic was part of our Christmas present to Brent's mom. Usually can't get Aubrey to smile is group photo's, but for some miracle we managed to get her and her daddy to smile =) That is rare!

Here are some Christmas shots that I took for our card. She can't seem to leave the ornaments alone on the year the tree will go back in the other room and not the den that we are in the majority of time...and plus there will be one crawling around then too.

Typical Aubrey...she would rather stick her tongue out than smile!

And thanks to Aunt Denise...we have a Dora ornament...which for some reason she will leave on the tree...she likes looking and touching Dora but will not take her off the tree =) Guess we should have a tree full of Dora ornaments!

Trying to wink @ ya!

Aubrey had been using the potty some. Much more interested in it than she has been. We have a Dora potty seat that fits on the big potty that she would rather use than sitting on her small potty. The first time she used the potty was Monday night of this week and I think I scared her b/c I screamed when I heard her using the potty and she wanted off but she figured out if she potty's she gets a pretty good with her. She has also been talking more about getting a baby sister...which is cute I think. And her movie that she watches over and over for the past month is Wizzard of Oz...she must watch that every night.
We are ready for Santa to come, just have to finish up a few gifts for some people and we are good to go.

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