Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bye Bye "foo foo" and hello to drawing on the wall

So, my mom and dad re-done my bathroom at the house... and I say they did b/c I really didn't do a whole lot of anything. They painted and ripped up the carport and layed hardwood down. It looks completely different and I love it now.

My dad will probably not ever do another "project" for me again after this one. Ran into a lot of problems but found a way to fix all of them....even if the light fixture in the pic below fell during the night and broke into a million pieces and had to be replaced :)

So, the following 2 pics are some of Aubrey's artwork. WARNING: IF YOU ARE WATCHING MY CHILD PLEASE PUT ALL CRAYONS, MARKERS, PENS AND EYELINER PENS UP WHERE SHE CAN NOT GET TO THEM OR YOU WILL HAVE ARTWORK LIKE WE HAVE AT OUR HOUSE. She know she isn't suppose to draw on the walls, but for some reason still thinks she should b/c it is "so pretty" as she would tell you.

I also have a few pics that Tera took of one Sat. morning when Aubrey was in her room watching Dora and playing and I was in the very next room just feet from her going through her clothes and I had gotten a trash bag full of purses to take to Goodwill and there apparently was a tube of lipstick in one of the purses and she gets it out, does put it on her lips, but also the rest of her body...and I mean her whole body almost. I will post those later when I get them. She did all the decorating on her body in just a few minutes. And getting lipstick off skin is a very long process.

Here are just some pics I took one night when I finally got my camera back...that Brent had hid and I found...but now it is hidden again and I can't seem to find it. He thinks it is so funny to hide my camera from me. I am going to have to get it back for Halloween or we will have serious problems :)

She loves looking at her books and some of them she can look at and tell you what they are saying b/c she has memorized them I guess.

She has one book that is one of her favorites and it is called "Bye Bye Diaper" but all of a sudden since I have been trying to get her to use the potty she has started calling it "Bye Bye Potty"...not a good sign huh :)

This is her little pumpkin she got from Lana. She loves the pumpkin. She will just carry it around. It is painted so she really likes the face on it. When she first brought it home she kept trying to eat it, but I finally made her understand she can't eat the little pumpkin.

So this is a rare pic of Brent...just being in a pic in general and smiling in it. But Aubrey doesn't look too happy. This was right after I found my camera and he didn't know I had found it so I ran in there to take a pic and I guess he was shocked I found and it didn't know what to do except smile I guess.

I don't know why she decided to lay down on the counter. It wasn't even bedtime. She was sitting up there talking to Terry Michael and just decided to rest.

Aubrey loves her little bench she sits on to watch was actually Brent's when he was little. I guess she was striking a little pose in this pic.

Last Monday I decided it was time to take away the "foo foo". She did have it Monday night for just a little bit but went all night without it and has since then. She hasn't had it at daycare for a couple of months now but when I would get there to pick her up she would ask for it and I would give it to her. But so far it hasn't been too bad. She will ask for it occassionally or tell me "I need my foo foo". But it gets less and less each day. I am just so glad we make it through the night without it. Now just gotta work on this potty training deal. She is getting to the point where she doesn't like to have a messy diaper on or wet diaper and will come tell me...of course after the fact but we are on getting on the right track I think. And sometimes she doesn't care.

She has talked some more about her sister and will point at my belly and she knows her sister is in there. She has been wanting to watch her Dora "Big Sister" tape a lot lately so I am thinking maybe since my belly is getting bigger she might be noticing more and picking up on more of what is happening.

I go back Fri. to get another ultra sound done. My doctor just wants to check my fluid around the baby again to make sure everything is still looking good and then I go back to my regular checkup the following Thurs. (24 weeks I will be :) ) Time is flying by it seems.

Also, out dog is MIA... people have seen him around but he just won't come back home. So I hope we can find him or he will come back home b/c Aubrey is asking about him all the time. I tell her he is lost and she just says "Bud is so silly".

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